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This four part video tutorial is meant to instruct MarineGEO SED-BIOME partners how to deploy and retrieve project materials from the field, and prepare laboratory samples to be analyzed. A video consisting of all four parts is available here.

Part I: Unboxing Your Kit

The is part I of a four-part video tutorial for the MarineGEO Network Project, SED-BIOME. It details what our partners will find in their kits and also lists items not included in the package. We also demonstrate how to assemble the sediment traps.

Part II: Deployment

In this part of the four-part video tutorial, we demonstrate how to deploy the tea bag frames and the sediment trap.

Part III: Retieval

This is part three of the four-part video tutorial for the MarineGEO Network project. In this video we demonstrate how to sample sediments using the custom mini-core for organic matter analysis and DNA Metabarcoding; we show how to use the porewater sampler, how to retrieve the sediment traps and the tea bag frames.

Part IV: Post Processing

This is the fourth and final video of the MarineGEO Network video tutorial series. In this video we demonstrate the lab techniques used to process samples for data collection and shipping back to the project leaders in Hong Kong.

Additional Video Resource: Tea Bag Frame Assembly

This video tutorial is for our partners who have received packages without fertilizer or the fertilizer has been packaged separately and thus will have to disassemble and reassemble their experimental frames where the fertilizer is meant to be inside. The video details how to assemble the tea bag frames. It is very important to keep the orientation and position of the tea bags consistent as you disassemble and reassemble them.